So with all this brexit shenanigans going on right now I don’t think at any point anybody could’ve said our government was stable. Before I go any further, A PEOPLES VOTE! In all honestly it’s mine and millions of others future it’s going to affect therefore it needs to be taken seriously. When the election was first called nobody had a clue in the world what brexit would entail however, no offence, some absolutely clueless  people still voted to leave, beats me! All of my family votes to remain as no one could fuller justify why they would want to leave as the outcome wasn’t outlined, therefore it’s fair to say my dad isn’t so happy about the result! A People’s vote would be the best route to take right about now to save Theresa May from an attempted plot against her, joking. There are people that voted leave in the beginning and now wished they have voted to remain due to all the chaos it has caused, we didn’t know what it was going to be like down the line therefore he British public should get another say to rectify what has gone wrong in this world!! We are allowed to have a change of opinion, especially when it is this shambollic. No I’m all seriousness I have nothing against Theresa’s May, apart from the fact she condones fox hunting, but besides that I genuinely felt bad for her when the vote of no confidence was called, BY HER OWN PEOPLE, what snakes. It was so incredibly unprofessional at at time like this to then cause more instability and worry the British public even more. I was so against this to the fact I wanted her to win and thankfully she did, I mean can you imagine a world where boris Johnson is prime minister, honest to god, I think we’d all have to leave. On another note I actually really take a liking to Jeremy Corbyn, where as my grandparents would rather workship the sh*t on someone’s shoe, haha. I guess I like him because most of his targets are what apply to me, for example the university Fees,get rid, I don’t want to be in grands worth of debt by the time I’m 23! But seriously he is my kind of person, I couldn’t argue enough about the equality debate and I think he is spot on, equality should be at the top of everything. I mean my grandparents would say it’s a load of rubbish as he would never be able to fund any of what he aspired to, yet I don’t think a political would lie, especially one who stands for rights and equality. But anyway, the moral of the story, WE DEMAND A PEOPLES VOTE!! I didn’t want to leave the EU and it’s my future it going to effect so give me the right to have a say.


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